Integrated Digital Marketing for Seoul Tourism
- Creating & propagating viral content for Seoul tourism that reflects the latest digital marketing trends
- Operating & promoting 8 channels of Seoul tourism-related social media content on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and more
- Running the promotional group, Global Seoul Mate, comprised exclusively of foreigners

The Integrated Digital Marketing for Seoul Tourism currently pursues the operation of int egrated digital marketing so as to better propagate the brand of Seoul tourism, as well as the awareness of Seoul within the global market.
We work to utilize highly-efficient forms of marketing specialized for the digital platform, including the creation and propagation of viral content that reflects marketing trends an d consumer demands; the expansion of our communication network via eight different s ocial media channels; and the creation of the collaborative social media marketing team , Global Seoul Mate, which is exclusively comprised of foreign residents.
These efforts help us maximize the impact of our promotional activity for each targeted market base, while also serving to motivate any potential tourists to visit the city of Seoul.